
Automotive & Auto Components - TOP RECRUITMENT AGENCY IN DELHI


The automotive industry in India is one of the core markets that is shaping and being shaped by the lifestyles of consumers. Additionally, it is vital to consider the impact of the top automotive recruitment company in Delhi on the overall market trends. Over the past few years, India has emerged as a major hub for automobile manufacturing and production as well as a key strategic market for global companies looking for expansion.

With rural sectors being empowered more and more, the demand for vehicles is only set to increase. Both government and corporations alike face immense challenges in terms of meeting demand and global standards, introducing regulations, and promoting environment friendly practices. But all of this also translates into growth and development. Ancillary sectors such as the components segment have also seen significant growth.

The Automotive and Auto Components Sector in India: A Snapshot

Key Stats
  • The automotive industry in India accounts for 7.1% of the country’s GDP
  • While the overall passenger vehicle segment market share is 13%, the two-wheeler market share is a whopping 81%
  • India is the sixth largest automotive market in the world and set to overtake Germany to be the third largest by 2020
  • The automotive industry is one of the few that has been granted significant government support, underscoring the importance of working with an automotive recruitment firm to find the right talent for the sector.
  • Ban on diesel cars
  • Ban on BS III vehicles
  • Ramping up technology and achieving global standards
  • The components industry continues to be highly fragmented making distribution and growth difficult
  • Although green vehicles are the way to the future, their widespread adoption continues to suffer from lack of infrastructure, regulations, and awareness
  • Inadequate road infrastructure
  • Labor issues at automotive plants, making the need for the top automotive recruitment company in Delhi even more critical.
Trends for the future
  • The passenger vehicle market is expected to cross three million by the end of 2017
  • The movement away from fossil fuels is gaining speed and electric vehicles are expected to capture a sizeable market share very soon
  • The newly introduced Motor Vehicle Bill 2016 is expected to regulate transportation issues in the country
  • Companies such as Audi and Maruti Suzuki are exploring the possibility of introducing driverless cars

Selective Global Search in the Automotive and Auto Components Sector

The automotive industry is a mature market that requires the presence of senior professionals with a range of skills, including management, technical knowledge, and sales and marketing.

Being a highly competitive industry, the focus is on mid to long-term planning and strategic skills. We have the necessary understanding and manpower to help you find the requisite personnel across the value chain. As a automotive executive search agency in India, we specialise in locating top-tier talent for key positions within the automotive sector.

Our Expertise

How We Help

  • We know that the demand for skilled manpower is in high demand and we have the necessary resources to help you meet the demand through our extensive network as the best HR recruitment services agency in Delhi.
  • We can help you cope with attrition rates by providing the necessary support and strategy
  • Our expert team will help plan your recruitment roadmap so that you are prepared for market challenges, leveraging our expertise as a automotive recruitment firm.
  • Our equally focused approach to candidates ensures we build strong relationships on both sides, making us the top automotive recruitment company in Delhi for your automotive recruitment needs. 

By integrating these strategies and understanding the market demands, we position ourselves as the go-to automotive executive search agency in India, capable of addressing the unique challenges of the automotive and auto components industry